If unicorns, mermaids, and fairies wore make-up, this is definitely the brush set they would use. Tarte Limited-Edition Magic Wands Brush Set reminds me so much of the equally gorgeous Real Techniques Bold Metals Collection, but Tarte Cosmetics obviously sprinkled more fairy dust and amped up the magic in theirs. Every brush in this collection looks sparkly, colorful, and absolutely dreamy! I know I don't need them, but I want to have them all. These brushes are irresistible!
Heritage Hill Glass Jars
Speaking of brushes, the kitchen section has become quite the source for amazing makeup and brush storage. These huge Heritage Hill Glass Jars from Crate & Barrel would look so neat on top of my vanity table and roomy enough to fit all my face brushes and beauty sponges too. The lid in itself is reason enough to give in, since dusty ol' brushes (no matter how pretty) are just a complete abomination. Planning to grab a couple of these jars this weekend actually.
Sunday Riley Good Genes
I stock up and spend more on skincare products than makeup to be honest, which I believe is actually a good thing. Sadly, with the weather transitioning back to summer here in Dubai, my skin has started to act up once again. I've been researching on a good face serum to address some of my skin issues and Sunday Riley Good Genes keeps on coming up. It's an all-in-one lactic acid treatment apparently meant to exfoliate and freshen up clogged pores and dull skin and I'm liking the sound of it. It's gotten a lot of rave reviews which made me so curious. Now if only I could get past that hefty price tag, 'cause that's some serious moolah for one teeny product right there.
I stock up and spend more on skincare products than makeup to be honest, which I believe is actually a good thing. Sadly, with the weather transitioning back to summer here in Dubai, my skin has started to act up once again. I've been researching on a good face serum to address some of my skin issues and Sunday Riley Good Genes keeps on coming up. It's an all-in-one lactic acid treatment apparently meant to exfoliate and freshen up clogged pores and dull skin and I'm liking the sound of it. It's gotten a lot of rave reviews which made me so curious. Now if only I could get past that hefty price tag, 'cause that's some serious moolah for one teeny product right there.
iPhone 7 Plus in Rose Gold
I have been wanting to upgrade to a bigger phone screen for the longest time now because of my poor eyesight, and with my recent obsession with anything rose gold, the Apple iPhone7 Plus in Rose Gold looks like the perfect match. Problem is, I’m not at all willing to splurge on a new phone, so I guess I will have to wait a few more weeks to get my postpaid plan renewed before I can get this handset for free. Can't wait!
Hong Kong Disneyland
We've had two consecutive long weekends here in Dubai this month, but with our team's crazy workload getting more and more horrendous, weekdays have actually been feeling quite longer than usual. It's been toxic, and I could really use some breather. My whole entire being is just screaming Hong Kong Disneyland! This kid-at-heart wants to go back. Couple more weeks to go and we can finally go back home for a mini vacay. I hope a sidetrip to beautiful Hong Kong is in the itinerary.
What's on your wishlist?

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