It took me some time to finally manage to narrow down this list to only six books. My initial plan was only five but the other book just had to make the cut. It would be a shame not to include it. So here's my list of Six Best Summer Reads in no particular order.
Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt is a very recent purchase. I've mentioned on a previous Wishlist Wednesday post how much I've been lemming to get my hands on this book for the longest time, so imagine my joy when the friendly people from Borders Ibn Battuta told me that they managed to get me a fresh copy. The internet is brimming with positive feedbacks for this book and now I just couldn't agree with every single one of them. I still have a few chapters left to read to be honest, but I've already cried major buckets for this. That has never happened to me before, so it truly deserves to be on this list. It's so beautifully written. A real must-read!
Fangirl has solidified my growing love for writer Rainbow Rowell. Her books have really captured a huge chunk of the most booknerdigan recesses of my heart and brain, it's ridiculous. I seriously wanna be BFF's with her so bad. She's like a girl after my own heart and I feel like I can hang out with her inside a coffee shop all day, without being bored. I think I'll even enjoy just hearing her talk all day. This novel was such a charming read. Feel-good and relatable with some of the most endearing book characters ever! I said it once and I'll say it again: Rowell just made it to my auto buy list of authors. Love her to bits!
Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver, I Married You For Happiness by Lily Tuck and All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven were admittedly mere book cover buys. I was such a typical magpie when I saw these books on shelves. Just had to grab them because they look so beautiful and I gotta say it was worth it.
All three books shared the same melancholic, depressing and heart-wrenching theme that got me hooked until the last page. I even found myself pausing in between chapters just to stare silently outside the window to sigh and think about all those little (and even big things) that make me sad, make my heart break, and make my tears fall. I know. I'm a freak like that, and I love it.
Lily Tuck's novel in particular got me so bad maybe all for purely sentimental reasons. I was a tearful mess just after finishing only the first paragraph. Only! If you've ever lost a loved one or someone very close to you, you'll know what I mean. Tuck's writing style is flawless and she made me remember the kind of writer I forgot I wanted to become when I was a little girl. Her words are intricately woven, it's almost poetry. Brilliant book indeed!
We Were Liars almost didn't make this list but I just had to include it because E. Lockhart nailed the ending like how a winning author should. The ending was incredibly thought of eventhough her writing style was just all over the place. I've never been this annoyed reading a book because it took some time getting used to her style of words (or metaphors). What was real and what was just on the main character's head got so complicatedly messed up, it's not funny anymore. I'm no longer sure if the book's stupid or plain genius. Got caught in between, so I just had to mention this book.
So there, my top summer reads!
I will be disgustingly occupied next month for sure so I don't think I can read as much books. Still on the look out for amazing books to read though, so let me know what books you've read or been reading lately.
It's so much fun being a book dork!

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