This A Little Course in Baking book would have to be my favorite from my books loot this year. It's been quite a while since the last time I put on my imaginary baker's hat and I've really been itching to get back into baking soon to whip up sweet treats again for my loved ones.
I couldn't help but do a little excited squeal when I got these two babies (Sophie Kinsella's I've Got Your Number and Can You Keep a Secret?) from my girlfriends. Kinsella is an all-time favorite chic-lit writer extraordinaire of mine. She's always been my go-to author when I need to unwind and not think about life's everyday stress and worry. Her books make the best light reads, are super funny, and very relatable too. It's like watching a feel-good rom-com movie, but a whole lot better of course.
George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire's series looks oh so fancy-schmancy nestled in my bookcase, don't you think? So happy that I finally got my hands on this series. The boyfriend got me the first four books and I can't wait to devour them.
Just found out the other day that my sister and brother-in-law are already bent on naming their first baby Daenerys (supposedly after one of the coolest Game of Thrones' characters) and I simply don't get it. Not even sure how to pronounce the name correctly to be honest. I know. I'm really THAT clueless! Haha! Way too late to get into the hype for sure, but better late than never, right? Even my minions look victorious on the photo.
What are your favorites from all the gifts you received last Christmas?
Hope you're all having a fabulous weekend! :)

Hi I spot minions lol I need to catch up on Sophie Kinsella books, the last one i reads was 'do you remember?'.