I love my body. Period.

Just discovered a fun new blog to add to my daily reads: That ARThletic Girl. This girl has some seriously amazing talent and her blog is a chock-full of creativity, wit, and inspiration. Funny 'cause reading her blog for the first time this morning couldn't come at a better time.

This photo just kinda nailed it in the head for me. Sadly, I've received quite a number of not-so-nice comments, unsolicited mean advices and responses from others because of a post I made about slimming down to fit in my bridesmaid's dress (CLICK HERE).  To be clear: No, I'm not offended at all. In fact, I'm quite amused that these people are still giving me the time of the day when they claim to hate what I write here. I really don't get why some people have a huge problem with me going to the gym and going for healthier food choices that they'd even go the extra mile and lambast someone they don't even know in person.

I decided to delete those comments because I refuse to let the negativity of these people bog down my blog and everyone who visits my blog. I have some wonderful friends and family who read my blog daily and I choose to highlight them instead. Time to turn on the comments filter perhaps?

I've said this before and I still stand by this. There's absolutely nothing wrong with trying to lose weight for as long as your intentions are in place and all good. What's wrong with working out, eating vegetables and taking my health seriously? It doesn't mean I hate my body. I don't hate my body for crying out loud. I love it so much that's why I'm changing my ways and trying to be better at taking good care of it. 

Let's just smile and enjoy life, shall we? It's a beautiful day! :)



  1. this is great:) I can totally relate!!! love your blog!

  2. Wow! Impressive! When my hubby came home this morning, he asked me to go to gym with him. I told him no! now I feel bad. I'm gonna wake him up and go to gym later today!
    Your post totally motivates me! Thank you, Aizzing!
    ps, I love the drawings too!!

    1. isn't working out with our loved ones the best? i love going to the gym with the boyfriend too. makes it so much more fun. :)

  3. TOTALLY true. My goal is to lose weight, but I love my body nonetheless! LOve this post :)
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  4. Also trying to love my body. I'll admit, trying to de-brainwash oneself is difficult, what with every media image around me telling me how I awful I look. It's such a struggle! Have you seen this blog:http://www.themilitantbaker.com/

    1. haven't seen it before. thanks for recommending it. :)

  5. hi! love your blog! :-) I hope we can follow each others blog..let me know :-) I'd really be glad :-) articles0naddiction.blogspot.com

  6. Hi!) thanks for your comment) u have a very nice blog! we may follow each other if u want) I'll be very happy!)

  7. Wonderful attitude! Don't let negative comments get you down-- some people don't have anything better to do than put down someone who is trying to change {change frightens people, you know?}

  8. hehehe you're right!! it's so difficult to lost a gain!!i'm on diet too...hehehe


  9. I will definitely be jumping over to her blog now. These pictures are great. Love the message that she is spreading.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  10. As I'm new to your blog (I found it via your sweet comment on mine, thanks so much for that!) I had to read the bridesmade post in order to understand the point - and well, there is no problem at all with that: doesn't every woman want to look gorgeous and loose a bit of weight? If we are honest to ourselfs, I think 90 percent of all women would love to loose only some pounds - we just are like that, aren't we? And I really don't see the problem, as far as we don't eat nothing or turn out look like some size 0 celebrities ;-)

    xxx Anita

  11. glad your staying positive about all the comments! :)


  12. don't mind them dear. just keep doing what you're doing. you're inspiring! :)

    1. copy! thanks ally! you inspire me too. hope you're always well. :)

  13. I love your attitude, Aizzing. Weight talk always seems to get people riled up, but there's always going to be someone upset. If people think someone is too fat, they're mean. If they think someone is too skinny, they're mean. If someone wants to diet, then they must "hate their body." If they don't diet, then they "don't care what happens to their body." There's just no winning, it seems. Ah well. I think it's great that you want to eat healthier and exercise more. I am working on the same things (although for me I just need to eat smaller quantities more than anything else).

    Besides, like you said - don't like it, don't read it. No one is forcing anyone to read blogs. So silly the things that offend people.

    Well written!

    1. i know! i don't get what these people want to achieve from being so mean. but it's all cool. i'll just ignore them and their negativity. they're making my stats happy anyway. hahaha!

  14. Mmmm I love the last one. I have such a difficult time getting motivated to run, but once I do, I feel so good.

    1. getting started is the worst part of the battle. :)

  15. This is the first time i have read your blog (came here via LCH blog) and I think this post is so great! People seem to get sensitive when someone wants to lose weight. I want to lose about 8-10 kilos. A few friends have gotten really defensive about it. The thing is, it isn't personal. It doesn't even mean I think people my weight or shape don't look good. I just don't feel comfortable. That's it. it's not about hating on myself. It's about feeling better about myself when I am healthy. For me, being my current weight means I am eating junk and not exercising. For some people being my weight means eating clean and exercising. Different floats, different boats. This is a fantastic post! :)

    1. at the end of the day, it's our body not theirs. what's important is we feel comfortable and healthy in our own body. :)

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